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Thursday, May 30, 2013

is your body your enemy?

Here are a few random quotes I've read (and, okay, in one case written) in the last 24 hours, all from fit women who seriously weight train:

BUT I still detest the way that I look in a bathing suit without something around my waist.

I can't break through my max and have been feeling shi-tay about it

We can't really compare ourselves to other people, we just have to compare ourselves to our previous selves. I don't look good in a bikini yet, but I look way better than I did 5-10 years ago.

I was so mad after I failed (the lift) the second time I punched the side of the rack.

How about we replace those with:

I don't care if my thighs are big, I still look shmexy in my bathing suit.

Damn, I bench 185 and some day I'll bench even more.  Strong pecs, ftw.

I look way better than I did 5-10 years ago.

After I failed the lift the second time, I realized it just wasn't my day. I'll get it next time.


P.S. In case you're wondering, I didn't break any bones in my hand. I punched the rack with the side of my fist. Ahem.

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